The Soy Usach APP has the following sections:FacultiesSection of the App dedicated to informing abou...
The Soy Usach APP has the following sections:FacultiesSection of the App dedicated to informing about the different Faculties of the University: Science, Medical Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Law, Administration and Economics, Chemistry and Biology, School of Architecture and Baccalaureate Program.AccreditationApp section for the accreditation process. It is made up of vision, mission, values, indicators, testimonies of graduates and documents. Values is not manageable, as they are permanent. This section is seen by all roles.VisionHow the University is projected into the future.MissionThe roadmap that the University has drawn up towards the future.IndicatorsHow the University has grown in recent years in its different fields of action.Graduate TestimonialsSection #SoyUsach, history of graduates who have transformed the country from their professions.DocumentsMost relevant texts or reports from the University in recent years.ActivitiesSection of the App with the Calendar of Activities of the different units of the University.ReleasesSection of the App of the Communiqués emanating from the Rectory or from the different units of the University.CultureSection of the App dedicated to Culture. It is made up of Integral Formation, Patrimonial Archive, Planetarium, Vocational Groups and Extension Groups.Integral formationCourses offered by the Comprehensive Training Department.Heritage ArchiveInformation from the Patrimonial Archive with your contacts and location.PlanetaryPlanetarium information with your contacts and location.Vocational castsDescription of the 6 Vocational Groups of the University: Folkloric Ballet, Student Camerata, Student Choral Ensemble, Experimental Dance, Theater Group and Female Tuna.Elencos ExtensionDescription of the 4 musical groups of the University Extension: Classical Orchestra, Syntagma Musicum, U. de Santiago Choir and Madrigalista Choir.SportSection of the App dedicated to Sport. It is composed of Integral Training, Sports Teams and Sports Venues.Integral formationCourses offered by the Sports Department.Sports TeamsDescription of the 14 sports teams of the University: chess, athletics, handball, basketball, sports ladder, weightlifting, futsal, soccer, judo, karate, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball.Sports VenuesDescription of the different sports venues that the University has, such as the EOA Gymnasium, Usach Gymnasium, Stadium, Athletic Track, Swimming Pool and Tennis Courts, among others.Central governmentSection of the App dedicated to informing about the Central Government of the University: Rectory, Board of Directors, Academic Council, General Secretariat, University Comptroller, Pro-rectory and Vice-rectories (VRA, VRIDEI, VRAE, VIME and VIPO)University GuideSection of the App dedicated to informing about different units and departments of the University that are key for each profile or role. It is a guide designed for the estates (Students, Teachers, Officials, Graduates and Visitors).MultimediaSection of the App dedicated to the audiovisual area. It is made up of photographs and videos with a brief description of each piece.NewsSection of the App dedicated to the news of the different units of the University.Radio UsachSection of the APP with the live signal of Radio Usach.STGO TVSection of the APP with the live signal of STGO TV.ContactSection of the APP with the data of the Office of Complaints and Suggestions of the University of Santiago.CampusSection of the APP with the main reference points of the campus of the University of Santiago de Chile.Social networksSection of the APP with the Social Networks of the University of Santiago de Chile.TransportSection of the APP with transportation alternatives to find out how to get to the University of Santiago de Chile.ProfileAPP section with user data.